Ok I only have a few minutes to make a post because I have work but I feel like i owe you all a post. It is a holiday. What can I say.
Alright if you haven't figured out how this works by now here comes the run down. Usually I will think of something really random, say something moderately funny or angry about it, then follow it with a video for emphasis. I am going to change it up for this post only because I found an unbelievably awesome video. Watch now, maybe even a few times.
I have to leave for work so I will let that all settle in
Mashed Potatoes>Turkey
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Election
This post has nothing to do with the election. It has to do with something of far, greater importance. The best time of the year has come to an end again and a sad one at that. I'm still not talking about the election for those of you who think that I would lie. Not to you mighty fine human beings. Possibly even mighta fine! Only time will tell. Ok back to my tragic novella. Maybe even an epic poem. Totally non-fiction. I am way off topic right now. I would be getting a zero on the FCAT right now. What I am trying to tell you is McDonalds monopoly is over. Again. I am a loser. Long, drawn out, dramatic sigh for when this becomes a movie.
Boardwalk. Where have you been all of my life. All I want is your little blue rectangle to appear when I peel you off my large fry because monopoly pieces dont come on medium. Do you know how many park places I have. And what about you Meditterain Blvd. I know I only win 50$ (38.76 Euros) if I get you and your bffl baltic avenue. Sad thing is that 50 bucks probably wont even cover how much my friends and I spent at Mcdonalds last month on our journey to collect them all. This post has made me sad. I will be back with better moral another night.
I hope this video doesn't bring you to tears, because I know it did for me. And that sentence doesn't make any sense at all.
Boardwalk. Where have you been all of my life. All I want is your little blue rectangle to appear when I peel you off my large fry because monopoly pieces dont come on medium. Do you know how many park places I have. And what about you Meditterain Blvd. I know I only win 50$ (38.76 Euros) if I get you and your bffl baltic avenue. Sad thing is that 50 bucks probably wont even cover how much my friends and I spent at Mcdonalds last month on our journey to collect them all. This post has made me sad. I will be back with better moral another night.
I hope this video doesn't bring you to tears, because I know it did for me. And that sentence doesn't make any sense at all.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Quick Post
I have to study all night for accounting and have no time for a real post. Why am I posting still you ask? This is why. Thanks internet.
Also new poll. Comments and suggestions are welcomed.
I swear I am not one of the guys in the video, although I wish I was,
Also new poll. Comments and suggestions are welcomed.
I swear I am not one of the guys in the video, although I wish I was,
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Ok so I just started this post with Ok so. Mind freak. I was up late last night crunching the numbers. I think the readers of the blog have gone up from about maybe 2 to maybe 4. Thats like a 395% increase. With a standard deviation of 19. I have also come to realize that pretty much only girls read this. I am not gay and not giving out fall fashion tips (that sounded way homo) so I dont understand why it's only girls. Alas I think it is time that I make this blog a little more female friendly (patent pending on that term because it is so clever).
I suppose I should start by saying that I don't have any sisters. I have an older brother who taught me things like hockey and headlocks. I have a younger brother who plays video games all day because he is out of school and unemployed. This is rough. Lets see what do you girls talk about these days? Motion pictures or as I like to call them talkies? I have never seen the Notebook. I saw high school musical 2 one time. That has to count for something. I have heard of Hannah Montana but never heard a song. Somehow this post just became about Disney I am sorry. Lets she what else do I have in common with girls. I saw One Tree Hill one time. For some reason it airs during monday night football. It is like the WB or CW or FBI, whatever they call it now a days, doesn't want me to watch. I Saw One Tree Hill One Time sounds like a good title for my autobiography.
What I am trying to say is simply that I am trying. I know its when I bring up girls to refer to them as objects. It happens, big whoop, sue me. No don't. When I talk about "the ladies" I will keep things clean. That means even the poop jokes although im pretty sure I just blogged about bathrooms. This has been a short yet classy post. Fare thee well women of the world.
I guess it's not too hard to be a Korean Pop Star,
I suppose I should start by saying that I don't have any sisters. I have an older brother who taught me things like hockey and headlocks. I have a younger brother who plays video games all day because he is out of school and unemployed. This is rough. Lets see what do you girls talk about these days? Motion pictures or as I like to call them talkies? I have never seen the Notebook. I saw high school musical 2 one time. That has to count for something. I have heard of Hannah Montana but never heard a song. Somehow this post just became about Disney I am sorry. Lets she what else do I have in common with girls. I saw One Tree Hill one time. For some reason it airs during monday night football. It is like the WB or CW or FBI, whatever they call it now a days, doesn't want me to watch. I Saw One Tree Hill One Time sounds like a good title for my autobiography.
What I am trying to say is simply that I am trying. I know its when I bring up girls to refer to them as objects. It happens, big whoop, sue me. No don't. When I talk about "the ladies" I will keep things clean. That means even the poop jokes although im pretty sure I just blogged about bathrooms. This has been a short yet classy post. Fare thee well women of the world.
I guess it's not too hard to be a Korean Pop Star,
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Hate Hate Hate
I hate the Rays. Ya i said it. But I think Justin and the Peas said it best in my favorite song. And i quote
"The truth is kept secret, (SSSH!!!!!!!!!) (i just added extra exclamation points for more awesome.)
It’s swept under the rug
If you never know truth then you never know love"
Oh mama that is catchy. Thank you Justin. I heard he actually played the cello in the song. Probably not true. Ok i made it up.
Quick side note :Brooke has mono. Mono rhymes with Bono. By the transitive property of diseases and people who sound like they have diseases when they sing, Brooke has somehow cured hunger in the Congo. Thank you.
Back to the hate. Why are homies always getting mad. How come when I go into the computer lab for class I automatically want to go find my house on google earths satalite view and the teacher always get mad? Not fair.
How come I always order C.Ds from magazines to my next door neighbors house and when I see them delivered I walk over and pick them up when they aren't looking? Why?
Why do when my friends have to leave early they always tell me they are leaving because they have to go put water in my moms dish? Thats not nice.
Also while looking for a video i realized that there are a lot of songs about hate. Take it easy ya'll heard.
I think the "teacher" is older than the "students"
Edit:I thought the video was from a happy movie. I didnt realize people would cry. Total buzz kill my bad. I dont watch chick flicks though so yay.
"The truth is kept secret, (SSSH!!!!!!!!!) (i just added extra exclamation points for more awesome.)
It’s swept under the rug
If you never know truth then you never know love"
Oh mama that is catchy. Thank you Justin. I heard he actually played the cello in the song. Probably not true. Ok i made it up.
Quick side note :Brooke has mono. Mono rhymes with Bono. By the transitive property of diseases and people who sound like they have diseases when they sing, Brooke has somehow cured hunger in the Congo. Thank you.
Back to the hate. Why are homies always getting mad. How come when I go into the computer lab for class I automatically want to go find my house on google earths satalite view and the teacher always get mad? Not fair.
How come I always order C.Ds from magazines to my next door neighbors house and when I see them delivered I walk over and pick them up when they aren't looking? Why?
Why do when my friends have to leave early they always tell me they are leaving because they have to go put water in my moms dish? Thats not nice.
Also while looking for a video i realized that there are a lot of songs about hate. Take it easy ya'll heard.
I think the "teacher" is older than the "students"
Edit:I thought the video was from a happy movie. I didnt realize people would cry. Total buzz kill my bad. I dont watch chick flicks though so yay.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Public Bathrooms
I know right. What is the deal? First off lets start off with the actual words themselves. First off public. There are a lot of things that I don't mind doing in public. Eating watermelon is a great example of this. Getting rid of my waste is not one of those things. Why not um, private bathrooms? Just think about it. Who was the creep that wanted a bunch of guys to pee in a strategically shaped bowl, just one foot away from each other`(5:22 in)? Was it Nate Moreno? This is very possible.
Next is bathroom. Now i know we have all heard the 5th grader at the grocery store make a big deal about not taking baths in the public bathroom let alone resting in the public restroom. But seriously though, if I am not bathing why dont we give it another name. I havent put a whole lot of thought into this but the thing that came to the top of my mind was the pee factory. It evern rhymes. Im jus sayin. And I dont think anyone would want to rest in the pee factory, or at least not anyone I want to know.
I haven't even touched on the worst thing about public bathrooms. That is ecentially it. Touching. Only employees have to wash their hands? Are you serious? When I am president it's a law that everyone must wash their hands. I am not even talking about a man law here. Bonafide legislature. Put it in the books. Have someone handwrite it on the constitution. Also what is the deal with dads bringing in their little 4 year old daughters to the bathroom. Now i have to be extra careful to make sure that no one sees bigboy jr. Why? Because not only is no one seeing bigboy jr good for my own personal hygiene and just overall sanity but also I have to worry about the well being of this girl. Lets say if some 4 year old honey sees a bunch dongs in the bath. She is now psychologically messed up. I know this i took psychology. Now because he mind is so young and fragile she doesn't know right from wrong. Up from down. Black from white? At the ripe young age 0f 16 she is now a streetwalker just going from 20$ bill to 20 dolla bill. That will not be allowed. No streetwalkers in my neighborhood. I say no to that. Why not potty train the girl. Or find some nice looking woman to make sure you kid doesnt flush herself down the toilet (which is not a toy, i dont know how it got that name either). Ok world. Do something right.
Investing in private pee factories since 08
Next is bathroom. Now i know we have all heard the 5th grader at the grocery store make a big deal about not taking baths in the public bathroom let alone resting in the public restroom. But seriously though, if I am not bathing why dont we give it another name. I havent put a whole lot of thought into this but the thing that came to the top of my mind was the pee factory. It evern rhymes. Im jus sayin. And I dont think anyone would want to rest in the pee factory, or at least not anyone I want to know.
I haven't even touched on the worst thing about public bathrooms. That is ecentially it. Touching. Only employees have to wash their hands? Are you serious? When I am president it's a law that everyone must wash their hands. I am not even talking about a man law here. Bonafide legislature. Put it in the books. Have someone handwrite it on the constitution. Also what is the deal with dads bringing in their little 4 year old daughters to the bathroom. Now i have to be extra careful to make sure that no one sees bigboy jr. Why? Because not only is no one seeing bigboy jr good for my own personal hygiene and just overall sanity but also I have to worry about the well being of this girl. Lets say if some 4 year old honey sees a bunch dongs in the bath. She is now psychologically messed up. I know this i took psychology. Now because he mind is so young and fragile she doesn't know right from wrong. Up from down. Black from white? At the ripe young age 0f 16 she is now a streetwalker just going from 20$ bill to 20 dolla bill. That will not be allowed. No streetwalkers in my neighborhood. I say no to that. Why not potty train the girl. Or find some nice looking woman to make sure you kid doesnt flush herself down the toilet (which is not a toy, i dont know how it got that name either). Ok world. Do something right.
Investing in private pee factories since 08
Friday, September 12, 2008
Double Post day
I cant believe it has been over a month since my last post. Well actually I can because I am reminded pretty much everyday. I think it is time that we move onto more important things.
Like football. It is football season. I wore my santana claus jersey to school. If that doesnt make sense google it. It is almost like all is right. But wait it gets better.
Football is literally a fantasy now. Because of fantasy football I now care how the bengals or bungals if i may do on sunday because i have chad ocho cinco on one of my teams. Instead of only caring about the redskins (really all that i ever need) i have the bonus of now having an interest in every game of the weekend.
Why do you care. Because I care. Funnier posts coming in the future. Today is reserved for real talk.
Keeping it real,
Like football. It is football season. I wore my santana claus jersey to school. If that doesnt make sense google it. It is almost like all is right. But wait it gets better.
Football is literally a fantasy now. Because of fantasy football I now care how the bengals or bungals if i may do on sunday because i have chad ocho cinco on one of my teams. Instead of only caring about the redskins (really all that i ever need) i have the bonus of now having an interest in every game of the weekend.
Why do you care. Because I care. Funnier posts coming in the future. Today is reserved for real talk.
Keeping it real,
My day.
Story time. I am thinking you want to know how my day went. I will share.
It all started at 3 this morning when i was able to fall asleep. I have recently downloaded Ride the Lightning but it is sorta slowed down so it sounds more metal. I fell asleep listening to that.
I was then awoken by the doorbell at 1030 this morning. After letting it ring 3 times and hoping someone else would answer or they would go away I found the will power to go downstairs and answer the door. It was my old lady neighbor. I was wearing my short sleeping shorts that i so do love to wear and no shirt. There was an instant love connection. She said something about her cat but i wasnt paying attention because i just wanted to go back to sleep. That is exactly what i did 45 seconds later.
Jump forward to 12. I wake up and feel like a bum. Maybe because I am. Checked my email. Someone offered me a trade in fantasy football but it was stupid and i said no way. Also apparently there are christian singles in orlando looking for me. Aol is my new wingman.
Approx 1230 time for shower and shaving. That is right. I shave. Unlike Orlando Bloom. I have seen girls that can grow stronger facial hair than him. He needs to grow a man sized neck beard right now in order to regain my respect. Dude got to kiss the chick from Pirates of the caribbean. Its not fair.
I then went to class. Dominated it. We have to answer questions using these little clicker things. Its like mini quizes everyday in class. I went 5-5 today. Bigboy.
Went home and cleaned my room. Everything about cleaning your room is good. While i am cleaning i feel good because it is like i am doing something productive. And walking around in your room right after it is clean feels wonderful well just because. Your bum status gets elevated.
Here is where my day turned into a disney like story. I had a bunch of change in my room in car that I felt like putting to good use. I decided it was time to hit the coinstar. I walked into publix holding my albertsons plastic bag full of change feeling like such a rebel. As I was pouring my change into the machine I expected to get something in the 30-35 dollar not dolla range. To my surprise the receit came out and showed that I had just made 89$. Amazing. I felt so good. To celebrate I went to chick-fil-a and bought myself a chocolate milkshake. My day just turned so good. I went from being half naked with bed head in front of my old neighbor talking about cats to heel-clicking out of publix. That was my day. The more you know.
It all started at 3 this morning when i was able to fall asleep. I have recently downloaded Ride the Lightning but it is sorta slowed down so it sounds more metal. I fell asleep listening to that.
I was then awoken by the doorbell at 1030 this morning. After letting it ring 3 times and hoping someone else would answer or they would go away I found the will power to go downstairs and answer the door. It was my old lady neighbor. I was wearing my short sleeping shorts that i so do love to wear and no shirt. There was an instant love connection. She said something about her cat but i wasnt paying attention because i just wanted to go back to sleep. That is exactly what i did 45 seconds later.
Jump forward to 12. I wake up and feel like a bum. Maybe because I am. Checked my email. Someone offered me a trade in fantasy football but it was stupid and i said no way. Also apparently there are christian singles in orlando looking for me. Aol is my new wingman.
Approx 1230 time for shower and shaving. That is right. I shave. Unlike Orlando Bloom. I have seen girls that can grow stronger facial hair than him. He needs to grow a man sized neck beard right now in order to regain my respect. Dude got to kiss the chick from Pirates of the caribbean. Its not fair.
I then went to class. Dominated it. We have to answer questions using these little clicker things. Its like mini quizes everyday in class. I went 5-5 today. Bigboy.
Went home and cleaned my room. Everything about cleaning your room is good. While i am cleaning i feel good because it is like i am doing something productive. And walking around in your room right after it is clean feels wonderful well just because. Your bum status gets elevated.
Here is where my day turned into a disney like story. I had a bunch of change in my room in car that I felt like putting to good use. I decided it was time to hit the coinstar. I walked into publix holding my albertsons plastic bag full of change feeling like such a rebel. As I was pouring my change into the machine I expected to get something in the 30-35 dollar not dolla range. To my surprise the receit came out and showed that I had just made 89$. Amazing. I felt so good. To celebrate I went to chick-fil-a and bought myself a chocolate milkshake. My day just turned so good. I went from being half naked with bed head in front of my old neighbor talking about cats to heel-clicking out of publix. That was my day. The more you know.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Are blowing my mind. You know what else is blowing my mind. Communism? Nope. My urine is unusually yellow? Nope. Female Athletes. YES. Yes. No. Yes. NO!
Sometimes awesome. Sometimes scary. But don't worry. I am here for your comfort. It has been a while since the last post but I had no real access to get online for a long enough time. I am also a bit rusty and don't really have much to talk about. It's almost like being naked. I don't mean that because I have a rusty body. That is false. My urine is fine.
There is only one way to protect yourselves from these insane amazonian women. Invest in monster-trucking, stick a fried chicken leg in your mouth, and make a lot of babies that you can't financially support. Thats right. Keep it real America. These colors don't run, especially from a bunch of testosteroned up crazy ladies. Go read a tabloid. Grab a bud and watch Dale Jr. do his thing. Complain about the government. Try and spell government. Watch American idol. Call other people gay for watching American idol. Before i wrap it up I will leave you with this: Before everything you do this month; ask yourself WWBSD, what would Brittney Spears do.
Just one more to up the babe factor and up my creep factor,
Sometimes awesome. Sometimes scary. But don't worry. I am here for your comfort. It has been a while since the last post but I had no real access to get online for a long enough time. I am also a bit rusty and don't really have much to talk about. It's almost like being naked. I don't mean that because I have a rusty body. That is false. My urine is fine.
There is only one way to protect yourselves from these insane amazonian women. Invest in monster-trucking, stick a fried chicken leg in your mouth, and make a lot of babies that you can't financially support. Thats right. Keep it real America. These colors don't run, especially from a bunch of testosteroned up crazy ladies. Go read a tabloid. Grab a bud and watch Dale Jr. do his thing. Complain about the government. Try and spell government. Watch American idol. Call other people gay for watching American idol. Before i wrap it up I will leave you with this: Before everything you do this month; ask yourself WWBSD, what would Brittney Spears do.
Just one more to up the babe factor and up my creep factor,
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I love boobies
I really do. So I hope you can understand why I am deeply saddened that boobies are in danger. And by danger i mean endangerment. They are a shrinking species. Whats wrong? You seemed surprised by what you are reading. Here is a pic of what I am talking about.
Please forgive me. I hadn't realized that when most people hear the word boobie they go ahead and think of mammaries as I like to refer to them. Lets take a seat at the big kid table now and talk about what is the real situation at hand. Boobies are diving into the ocean and not coming back up. Now the first thing that came to my mind is that boobies float. This is true but apparently they like to go underwater to flirt with death. I don't blame them. It is very well known that boobies are good at flirting. It is also well known that it will get them into dangerous places. It is time for a change. We need to start playing money for boobies. Every little contribution can help.
This may not apply to some people reading this. You could be saying to yourselves "I don't even care about boobies. Thank you for wasting my time". Well there is a part 2 in this post. It is for all you butt guys. Look at the buns on that one.
Pigs are being slaughtered so you can get some butt. First of all, show some respect please. As uncle Ben once said "With great power comes great hunger". OH ya. It also comes with some restraint and self control. You might be put into a situation where your buddy says something like "Hey dude. We going out to the club tonight. Gunna be a whole lotta butt there." Sounds awesome i guess. What you didn't know was that your bud is taking you out to black angus. You don't slap this kinda butt with your hands; you do with bbq. You can't walk in to some place, see a lot of butt in the room and have all you want. We are talking about life and death. Fanny.
Please excuse all misspellings and sexual innuendo,
-Bigboy, for your childrens childrens.
Please forgive me. I hadn't realized that when most people hear the word boobie they go ahead and think of mammaries as I like to refer to them. Lets take a seat at the big kid table now and talk about what is the real situation at hand. Boobies are diving into the ocean and not coming back up. Now the first thing that came to my mind is that boobies float. This is true but apparently they like to go underwater to flirt with death. I don't blame them. It is very well known that boobies are good at flirting. It is also well known that it will get them into dangerous places. It is time for a change. We need to start playing money for boobies. Every little contribution can help.
This may not apply to some people reading this. You could be saying to yourselves "I don't even care about boobies. Thank you for wasting my time". Well there is a part 2 in this post. It is for all you butt guys. Look at the buns on that one.
Pigs are being slaughtered so you can get some butt. First of all, show some respect please. As uncle Ben once said "With great power comes great hunger". OH ya. It also comes with some restraint and self control. You might be put into a situation where your buddy says something like "Hey dude. We going out to the club tonight. Gunna be a whole lotta butt there." Sounds awesome i guess. What you didn't know was that your bud is taking you out to black angus. You don't slap this kinda butt with your hands; you do with bbq. You can't walk in to some place, see a lot of butt in the room and have all you want. We are talking about life and death. Fanny.
Please excuse all misspellings and sexual innuendo,
-Bigboy, for your childrens childrens.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Bloggin aint easy
It's not a word either, but what can you do. Now after a night of no power, I bring you youtube clip version deux and no more commas.
Disclaimer: If I use old clips I am sorry. Too lazy to go check what I posted before. Also there will be no male frontal nudity shown. I am also sorry for that.
safety first
just another day at the gym
i love everything about this. It gets really good at 0:58
probably already seen but this is the better version. Still funny
hope this isnt in america because i do not want to mess with this guy 1:27
merry christmas
nothing funny about this.
I think i'll sing it again but censored this time for the ladies?
Nothing to lol but still some pretty good stuff I think
Keep moshing,
Disclaimer: If I use old clips I am sorry. Too lazy to go check what I posted before. Also there will be no male frontal nudity shown. I am also sorry for that.
safety first
just another day at the gym
i love everything about this. It gets really good at 0:58
probably already seen but this is the better version. Still funny
hope this isnt in america because i do not want to mess with this guy 1:27
merry christmas
nothing funny about this.
I think i'll sing it again but censored this time for the ladies?
Nothing to lol but still some pretty good stuff I think
Keep moshing,
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Why do people get sick. I wonder how the first person ever to get sick handled it. Did he think he was dying? If he eventually got healthy, did he live in constant fear of it happening again? I don't have the answers to these questions, but wikipedia does. Did you know every year more people die from illnesses than the most evil thing ever put on the planet, snakes? I had no idea. Consider my mind blown. It's close at least. Every year 87 people die worldwide from some kind of ailment. 81 from snakes (most of the deaths were literally people being scared to death). If you don't believe me just look up the numbers in wiki, they are all there. The world strikes again.
Keeping it short so I can feel better for you, internet
Keeping it short so I can feel better for you, internet
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Rant time
All I ever hear is this is overrated or not enough people are into this. You know what? Who cares. Not me. You know why. People say that sleep is overrated. Well people who say that are also overrated. Try not sleeping for 3 days. And then 3 hours a day for a week. You won't be asking yourself what the world would be like if no one slept. Why? Because that would be a sick sick terrible annoying grumpy commaless world. Babies and other nappers would would secretly form underground militias to keep all that was important in the old world safe because the nonsleepers only worry about how little sleep they are getting. Because of the lack of right and wrong by adults everywhere, the world is thrown into shambles. The 2nd graders that are now appointed to the supreme court now have to rule from the law of mother goose because the constitution has been lost. Their first ruling is for the deaths of Jack and Jill's worldwide. Old women are now all deported to an old boot. Cows try jumping over unobtainable heights and die off. There is a food shortage. People get so desperate that they even degrade themselves to eating young males in wolf clothing. It's a sick, sick, place.
And why? because some people think that sleep is overrated.
I think all that I believe on this subject can be summed up in this video.
Please reserve your judgement
All I ever hear is this is overrated or not enough people are into this. You know what? Who cares. Not me. You know why. People say that sleep is overrated. Well people who say that are also overrated. Try not sleeping for 3 days. And then 3 hours a day for a week. You won't be asking yourself what the world would be like if no one slept. Why? Because that would be a sick sick terrible annoying grumpy commaless world. Babies and other nappers would would secretly form underground militias to keep all that was important in the old world safe because the nonsleepers only worry about how little sleep they are getting. Because of the lack of right and wrong by adults everywhere, the world is thrown into shambles. The 2nd graders that are now appointed to the supreme court now have to rule from the law of mother goose because the constitution has been lost. Their first ruling is for the deaths of Jack and Jill's worldwide. Old women are now all deported to an old boot. Cows try jumping over unobtainable heights and die off. There is a food shortage. People get so desperate that they even degrade themselves to eating young males in wolf clothing. It's a sick, sick, place.
And why? because some people think that sleep is overrated.
I think all that I believe on this subject can be summed up in this video.
Please reserve your judgement
Thursday, May 22, 2008
second question, what is your deal?
Hello world. What is good? I hope you are keeping things fresh.
I don't think so. It is time that I review the world. That's right. Time to judge. It must be said.
We live in the times of The Hills and dead baby jokes. It is acceptable for guys to wear girl pants. Paula Abdul is judging talent and David Hasselhoff is now just a joke.
And then there is the internet. Here are some examples. Watch at your own peril. Sadness
Unacceptable unforgivable
Get it together world. That is all i am saying. You still have your strong points. Awesome.
Crazy. Crazy Awesome.
I will not be keeping it real
I don't think so. It is time that I review the world. That's right. Time to judge. It must be said.
We live in the times of The Hills and dead baby jokes. It is acceptable for guys to wear girl pants. Paula Abdul is judging talent and David Hasselhoff is now just a joke.
And then there is the internet. Here are some examples. Watch at your own peril. Sadness
Unacceptable unforgivable
Get it together world. That is all i am saying. You still have your strong points. Awesome.
Crazy. Crazy Awesome.
I will not be keeping it real
Monday, May 19, 2008
or doughnuts? I prefer the former. There is nothing better. Well, perhaps the beautiful 3 hours spent with the person who demanded the blog be created. The meeting of our paths can be compared to the wonders of donuts raining from the sky.
Donuts falling on you could be very dangerous though. When they become stale, they become hard. You see it is not a game? But if a nice boston creme or strawberry frosted with sprinkles would fall on my plate, I would be most thankful.
I know this is all out of the blue. I got a card that gets me 6 free donuts for every half dozen I buy at Dunkin Donuts (((providing the world with quality donuts since at least 12 years ago from what I remember)product placement to get some money)parenthesis in a parenthesis in a parenthesis))). This works out very well for me. I planned my day around these wonderful donuts and they delivered.
Donuts are for eating not love
Donuts falling on you could be very dangerous though. When they become stale, they become hard. You see it is not a game? But if a nice boston creme or strawberry frosted with sprinkles would fall on my plate, I would be most thankful.
I know this is all out of the blue. I got a card that gets me 6 free donuts for every half dozen I buy at Dunkin Donuts (((providing the world with quality donuts since at least 12 years ago from what I remember)product placement to get some money)parenthesis in a parenthesis in a parenthesis))). This works out very well for me. I planned my day around these wonderful donuts and they delivered.
Donuts are for eating not love
Monday, May 12, 2008
I know whenever you have one it means a year has past since you have been born or one less year till your death depending on how you look at it? But what does it really mean? I'll tell you what it means. Are you a man yet? Bas is
How do we know this? Look at the things he has done in this video. First off he shares a secret with us. Everyone always underestimates a kick to the groin. Fantastic. What I want to know is why isn't that phrase on a fortune cookie? Protecting my groin is so much more important to me then the lotto numbers from 2 months ago. Why else is he a man. It seems pretty clear to me that anyone who can sing while pretending to bang another guys head on a table seems like a man to me. I recommend that everyone watches the whole video. It is great.
Back to the theme of the post. Birthdays. I picked the video because people are supposed to learn things. Bas thought us all how to politely tell a gentleman that you have to break his leg. But you cant just pick that up. It needs to be tested in the field. The other day I found out my body doesn't respond well to physical activity after consuming McDonalds. Life lessons is all that I am saying. Get out there. Taste the toilet water of life and find out that you don't want to do it again. You only have so many Birthdays. That is unless you have your head cryogenically frozen until people have found out how to live forever but that is a completely different post. Keep it classy san diego
One year older
How do we know this? Look at the things he has done in this video. First off he shares a secret with us. Everyone always underestimates a kick to the groin. Fantastic. What I want to know is why isn't that phrase on a fortune cookie? Protecting my groin is so much more important to me then the lotto numbers from 2 months ago. Why else is he a man. It seems pretty clear to me that anyone who can sing while pretending to bang another guys head on a table seems like a man to me. I recommend that everyone watches the whole video. It is great.
Back to the theme of the post. Birthdays. I picked the video because people are supposed to learn things. Bas thought us all how to politely tell a gentleman that you have to break his leg. But you cant just pick that up. It needs to be tested in the field. The other day I found out my body doesn't respond well to physical activity after consuming McDonalds. Life lessons is all that I am saying. Get out there. Taste the toilet water of life and find out that you don't want to do it again. You only have so many Birthdays. That is unless you have your head cryogenically frozen until people have found out how to live forever but that is a completely different post. Keep it classy san diego
One year older
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The Sun
Where do you get off? Just sit up there blazin'. Hey I would love to do that but I can't. You know why? I have responsibilities. Like taking the trash out. "Oh look at me, I'm the sun. I provide life for all of the earth. Look at me I dare you, i'll turn you blind. Haha that is such a fun game that I always win. In fact now that I think of it, I always win at everything. People make Gods out of me. I don't see any Bigboy God. By the way, suck it earth. Whenever I feel like im bored and burn out, I am going to take you all with me, represent!"-Mr. The Sun
Are you kidding me? Just take a look of this live footage recovered from a tragic event in Papua New Guinea.
That is what we call a tragedy. Unnecessary death. That is what I call it. "Oh look at me, I am the sun. I can do whatever I want. I'll start by buying things that aren't for sale"-senor el sol. He said it not me. And people make sun Gods? How dare you talk trash sun! There are a lot of reasons why I am not a God, the main one being I wake up at 12 everyday and I had twinkies for breakfast 2 days ago. Enough about me back to the atrocity that some people call the giver of life. How about bringer of death? Ever seen one the good people called Vampires? I doubt it. Why you ask? Hmm maybe because the sun brings instant death to them. There they go just a minding their business, possibly tilling the field and praying for a good harvest this year to provide for their young demon spawn when what do ya no, BAM, the sun kills him. Now that baby vampire is going to have to grow up without a father. It's the suns fault.
Ever hear of a thing called sun poisoning? Well its real. Who wants to go get some sun and possible chlamydia? Please don't sign me up. Do you know what else the sun does? It burns. Sometimes I avoid walking into fires just because I dont like to be burned. Maybe I am alone with that. So by some simple math i just did in my head the sun=a prostitute on fire and I dont think anyone wants that.
It's time for a change. We need to destroy the sun while we still have a chance. There is something called electricity now. Get into it. The sun isn't so important. I have thought a lot about how to do this. Who is the biggest hero I know. How about Indiana Jones and Han Solo in the same person. We need to send Harrison Ford into space to deal with this sun problem right now.
First person to sign the bring down the sun in 08' petition
Are you kidding me? Just take a look of this live footage recovered from a tragic event in Papua New Guinea.
That is what we call a tragedy. Unnecessary death. That is what I call it. "Oh look at me, I am the sun. I can do whatever I want. I'll start by buying things that aren't for sale"-senor el sol. He said it not me. And people make sun Gods? How dare you talk trash sun! There are a lot of reasons why I am not a God, the main one being I wake up at 12 everyday and I had twinkies for breakfast 2 days ago. Enough about me back to the atrocity that some people call the giver of life. How about bringer of death? Ever seen one the good people called Vampires? I doubt it. Why you ask? Hmm maybe because the sun brings instant death to them. There they go just a minding their business, possibly tilling the field and praying for a good harvest this year to provide for their young demon spawn when what do ya no, BAM, the sun kills him. Now that baby vampire is going to have to grow up without a father. It's the suns fault.
Ever hear of a thing called sun poisoning? Well its real. Who wants to go get some sun and possible chlamydia? Please don't sign me up. Do you know what else the sun does? It burns. Sometimes I avoid walking into fires just because I dont like to be burned. Maybe I am alone with that. So by some simple math i just did in my head the sun=a prostitute on fire and I dont think anyone wants that.
It's time for a change. We need to destroy the sun while we still have a chance. There is something called electricity now. Get into it. The sun isn't so important. I have thought a lot about how to do this. Who is the biggest hero I know. How about Indiana Jones and Han Solo in the same person. We need to send Harrison Ford into space to deal with this sun problem right now.
First person to sign the bring down the sun in 08' petition
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Do you have any? Will does (pg 13 content here).
Is the game fun? That depends on the person. Is it necessary? Absolutely.
Whether sharing a glass of wine, glass of wine with a rufie in it, or just a rufie with your love interest, you are still doing your thing. Maybe you are adventurous and enjoy a nice rock climb or jumping off bridges with strings around your legs. Maybe you like a nice row boat trip with umbrellas over shoulders. Maybe you fall in love with girls who model office chairs. It's different for everyone, but we all still have a lot to learn from will.
Wait a minute. You are reading my blog. I bet you want to know what my go to strategies are. Fine i will share. Very first thing you do is grab their hair and look at their scalp. This is where you learn what kind of a girl/guy you are dealing with. Is there to much hair product (also known as the Seacrest effect)? Take a look at the roots. Has there been some color alteration? Are they a red head trying to hide something, are they a blond who changes once a month or are the artificially blond and want you to know it. From here you can find out what you are dealing with.
The next thing you do is throw some insults are them. Why do you have an adams apple? Where you dropped a lot as a baby? You smell like my grandma. If they slap you, slap back of course. If you they cry send them home. If they insult back they are probably a keeper. You then say I don't plan on buying you anything and they say fine and happily ever after. It's not that hard and i guarantee it.
It's called bathing, get into it
Is the game fun? That depends on the person. Is it necessary? Absolutely.
Whether sharing a glass of wine, glass of wine with a rufie in it, or just a rufie with your love interest, you are still doing your thing. Maybe you are adventurous and enjoy a nice rock climb or jumping off bridges with strings around your legs. Maybe you like a nice row boat trip with umbrellas over shoulders. Maybe you fall in love with girls who model office chairs. It's different for everyone, but we all still have a lot to learn from will.
Wait a minute. You are reading my blog. I bet you want to know what my go to strategies are. Fine i will share. Very first thing you do is grab their hair and look at their scalp. This is where you learn what kind of a girl/guy you are dealing with. Is there to much hair product (also known as the Seacrest effect)? Take a look at the roots. Has there been some color alteration? Are they a red head trying to hide something, are they a blond who changes once a month or are the artificially blond and want you to know it. From here you can find out what you are dealing with.
The next thing you do is throw some insults are them. Why do you have an adams apple? Where you dropped a lot as a baby? You smell like my grandma. If they slap you, slap back of course. If you they cry send them home. If they insult back they are probably a keeper. You then say I don't plan on buying you anything and they say fine and happily ever after. It's not that hard and i guarantee it.
It's called bathing, get into it
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Is awesome. And important. How often does that usually work out. Oreo's are awesome, but I wouldn't call them important. Arm wrestling small children to show them who is boss isn't fun, but it is important. I hope now you can see just what I mean when I talk about the gift of sleep. I wish I could do it for living but i dont know anyone who will pay me to sleep. That is a goal in my life though, to find that person.
A lot of poets compare sleep to death. I say nay. So much joy and happiness can come from sleep. What of that comes from death. Maybe in video game land.
I will leave you with a video. Watch this. Enjoy.
Sleep well
A lot of poets compare sleep to death. I say nay. So much joy and happiness can come from sleep. What of that comes from death. Maybe in video game land.
I will leave you with a video. Watch this. Enjoy.
Sleep well
Friday, April 11, 2008
Best day of the week returns
Thursday Thursday Thursday. NBC. TV. Writer Strike Over. I'm A Baby. Ignore That Last Part.
The Office. Makes my week. It's popular now so there is more build up. I think we should all celebrate. Or celibate. Maybe The Office gets you in the mood? Maybe that is very gross? None the less, lets see some clips and relive the memories.
Dwight K Schrute (ignore the dumb music)
Best blog award
Some really good stuff
The boss
Last one, hope it satisfied you
Yay to the office, yay to Thursday, boo to Little Caesars
The Office. Makes my week. It's popular now so there is more build up. I think we should all celebrate. Or celibate. Maybe The Office gets you in the mood? Maybe that is very gross? None the less, lets see some clips and relive the memories.
Dwight K Schrute (ignore the dumb music)
Best blog award
Some really good stuff
The boss
Last one, hope it satisfied you
Yay to the office, yay to Thursday, boo to Little Caesars
Monday, April 7, 2008
small animals
Why are they around. I mean it just makes no sense. Who would look at this and not say, man I would eat that so fast. But what is stopping me? More importantly what is stopping you? I hope I have brought the fear of aliens to a relatively high alert position in your life but they are not the cause of this. What then, what could it be? Right here.
Costumes. Because of Peta and some morals i guess people cant wear animal skin. So what are they going to wear on Halloween or some other random costume party in October. I'll tell you what, life like models of these things. And because if some girl wants to dress up in a cat-suit (which is very fine with me) they need a cat to base it on. You dont see any girls wearing Wolly Mammoth costumes now do you? Well i hope not because they are extinct. Alright that is my rant for tonight
Dont eat the baby inside the costume
Costumes. Because of Peta and some morals i guess people cant wear animal skin. So what are they going to wear on Halloween or some other random costume party in October. I'll tell you what, life like models of these things. And because if some girl wants to dress up in a cat-suit (which is very fine with me) they need a cat to base it on. You dont see any girls wearing Wolly Mammoth costumes now do you? Well i hope not because they are extinct. Alright that is my rant for tonight
Dont eat the baby inside the costume
Friday, April 4, 2008
Oh mama!
Do you worry alot? When you are in a hurry do you sometimes make alot one word? Lately I have been feeling a lot of the pressures. Aliens. They are coming. What will they want and/or do with me. Will they smell like onions? Are they friendly or are they going to act like they work at a fast food restaurant and make me feel like I am wasting their time? This is how I feel
So it is time to board up your windows and possibly butt holes (please excuse my language). Lets try to keep it clean for the aliens alright (im talking about our language not bottoms, that is none of yours or my business).
Hoping the best for your future
So it is time to board up your windows and possibly butt holes (please excuse my language). Lets try to keep it clean for the aliens alright (im talking about our language not bottoms, that is none of yours or my business).
Hoping the best for your future
Monday, March 31, 2008
Don't read them. Why? Because you should make your own destiny. And I heard if you read them then you are a whore. Jus sayin.
And now I know what all of you must be asking yourselves. Wow Bigboy that was some deep stuff, are you my hero? No I am not your hero. He is. Watch now before continuing reading.
We are all luck enough to have him as our hero. He is certainly mine.
So I have a speech to write so I don't really have much time to drop more knowledge on you. I would like to say if you need to cite me in a research paper my actual first/last and only name is actually Bigboy just so you know. Keep living the dream world and be happy to be alive.
A figment of your imagination
And now I know what all of you must be asking yourselves. Wow Bigboy that was some deep stuff, are you my hero? No I am not your hero. He is. Watch now before continuing reading.
We are all luck enough to have him as our hero. He is certainly mine.
So I have a speech to write so I don't really have much time to drop more knowledge on you. I would like to say if you need to cite me in a research paper my actual first/last and only name is actually Bigboy just so you know. Keep living the dream world and be happy to be alive.
A figment of your imagination
Friday, March 28, 2008
There are lots of fun things that involve some form of tubes. I am a pretty experienced tuber if i wouldn't say so myself. Go-gurts come in tubes and i love them eats. I even sometimes acknowledge the tv as the tube. Why do I bring any of this up? Because the subject of tonights post is youtube. A few of my favorite youtube videos to be exact. I am here to know share them to you.
Most recent video
Good laugh
35 seconds in, amazing
So weird but good
Might not be funny the first time, but I still laugh at this
Why all women are evil
Dirty but funny
Finish off with one for our more sensitive viewers
It was good seeing hansontotogirl but it is always better seeing me
Most recent video
Good laugh
35 seconds in, amazing
So weird but good
Might not be funny the first time, but I still laugh at this
Why all women are evil
Dirty but funny
Finish off with one for our more sensitive viewers
It was good seeing hansontotogirl but it is always better seeing me
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Favorite Movies
To continue on the trend of things that are Bigboys favorite (that is me in 3rd person i believe) , we will continue with my favorite motion pictures. again its late so not that much typing lets just get to the clips!
This list is in no particular order by the way.
Monty Pythons Holy Grail
Sunshine-movie was ok but really cool visuals
The Sandlot
Killer Klowns Form Outer Space
Falling Down
There are a lot more but that is a good start. Maybe this can be continued in the future.
Your star
This list is in no particular order by the way.
Monty Pythons Holy Grail
Sunshine-movie was ok but really cool visuals
The Sandlot
Killer Klowns Form Outer Space
Falling Down
There are a lot more but that is a good start. Maybe this can be continued in the future.
Your star
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Favorite Pictures
It has been asked by a viewer that I do a post in pretty much all pictures because she doesn't really like to read. I always aim to please so here we go, a post of my favorite pictures. I'll start by adding my favorite classical piece, the school of athens by raphael

I was lucky enough to find a picture of the artist as well. Here it is:
Pretty classy right. I think i'll just add some random pictures that i find funny now. Enjoy.

Lastly I'll finish off with something that I am sure we all can appreciate
Looking forward to our future
I was lucky enough to find a picture of the artist as well. Here it is:

Lastly I'll finish off with something that I am sure we all can appreciate
Looking forward to our future
Saturday, March 22, 2008
bodily functions
Welcome back. Sorry for 2 nights ago but I was cramming nasty. For a test! Get your minds out of the gutter. Gross, grow up. Anyways last night I got a migraine. Yes the migraine fairy visited me and she is not a nice woman/man. It went a little something like this. The girl is worth the headache i guess but whatever.
Bottom line is my head hurts. Please feel bad. If you are a girl pretend i'm katchup or something. Do what you must. It is a short post because of this tonight. I am sorry. You should be sorry to, im sure you have done something wrong.
Keep the noise down
Bottom line is my head hurts. Please feel bad. If you are a girl pretend i'm katchup or something. Do what you must. It is a short post because of this tonight. I am sorry. You should be sorry to, im sure you have done something wrong.
Keep the noise down
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Technology. Discuss. Blessing? Curse? Would you be reading this without it? Are you reading my mind right now? Are we in the Matrix? Did the curse come with Keanu Reeves? All very good questions that I think no one really has the answers to. Things sorta become clearer when you are pushing a couple ton suv down multiple levels of a parking garage to be towed away and eventually drop a lot of money on fixing. http://youtube.com/watch?v=4ixJAKA7bYU.
How would you feel waking up in the morning next to that. Exactly. Shame. At the same time technology is good. Instead of beating people up in real life I can just play a video game instead. How could I go ski diving someday without the plane or maybe even parachute? There is no other way. How else would I be able to hear 50 cent rap about technology? I am certainly to scared to see him in person but I can listen to his songs in locked, well lit rooms instead. It's perfect! We have all heard of muffins, but have you eaten mini muffins? Delicious! Do you know how they become mini? I sure do... technology.
You take the good with the bad. When the good outweighs the bad you create something to eliminate the bad. Eliminate! That is what my grandmother has always taught me and im passing it on to you. Sleep well and comfortable on you spring, not hay mattresses.
The best thing since sliced bread
How would you feel waking up in the morning next to that. Exactly. Shame. At the same time technology is good. Instead of beating people up in real life I can just play a video game instead. How could I go ski diving someday without the plane or maybe even parachute? There is no other way. How else would I be able to hear 50 cent rap about technology? I am certainly to scared to see him in person but I can listen to his songs in locked, well lit rooms instead. It's perfect! We have all heard of muffins, but have you eaten mini muffins? Delicious! Do you know how they become mini? I sure do... technology.
You take the good with the bad. When the good outweighs the bad you create something to eliminate the bad. Eliminate! That is what my grandmother has always taught me and im passing it on to you. Sleep well and comfortable on you spring, not hay mattresses.
The best thing since sliced bread
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
It has been requested by my one viewer that I post daily. Well I am now writing my third post and out of things to say. It's late, I am tired, and definitely not creative at the moment. I guess I will just share the events of my day although I know you neither care nor want to know. To bad I suppose. It all started with a little of this :http://pop.youtube.com/watch?v=dqYP38bzLWk&feature=related.
Ok that didn't really happen but those guys are pretty sweet. Just moshing through life. I woke up at 8:30 which is pretty dang early for me. I had a speech class in which I had to evaluate a girls speech informing me on the backgrounds of serial killers. If that doesn't wake you up, I don't know what will. I then napped until 2, went to two more classes, won a softball game, slacked off and hung out and played basketball. There isn't that much to it. You know what that means right? Time for a little blog filler.
Guns. You can shoot things at people with them but you can also it people with them. Why do i bring this up? I do because there is a very good chance that my viewer will do both of these things to herself very soon. I have never touched a gun nor had a creepy dream which I use them for destruction? Does this make me less of a man? That's a good question. How about I go out in the field, find some iron, make a fire and construct my own gun. I should at least get a man card and a get out of man jail free card as well.
That will wrap it up. I am just too tired to go on. I think I am lacking motivation because of my lack of comments by my viewer. Good Night internet, I love you too.
You better checkity check yourself before you wreck yourself
Ok that didn't really happen but those guys are pretty sweet. Just moshing through life. I woke up at 8:30 which is pretty dang early for me. I had a speech class in which I had to evaluate a girls speech informing me on the backgrounds of serial killers. If that doesn't wake you up, I don't know what will. I then napped until 2, went to two more classes, won a softball game, slacked off and hung out and played basketball. There isn't that much to it. You know what that means right? Time for a little blog filler.
Guns. You can shoot things at people with them but you can also it people with them. Why do i bring this up? I do because there is a very good chance that my viewer will do both of these things to herself very soon. I have never touched a gun nor had a creepy dream which I use them for destruction? Does this make me less of a man? That's a good question. How about I go out in the field, find some iron, make a fire and construct my own gun. I should at least get a man card and a get out of man jail free card as well.
That will wrap it up. I am just too tired to go on. I think I am lacking motivation because of my lack of comments by my viewer. Good Night internet, I love you too.
You better checkity check yourself before you wreck yourself
Monday, March 17, 2008
Debbie Downer
Yes, I am back. Its been a few nights. Things have set in. I still have my one viewer so I suppose that means I have become an instant success. All that being extremely true, I know what you all are thinking, Bigboy, what is it like being you? And are you always going to write in run on sentences? To answer the latter first I will try not to but I am not making any promises. Maybe all my punctuation keys could fail.
The second question has a much longer answer. I think it's best to start with Bigboy's love live (third person?). Are you a ladies man Bigboy? Do I bring a ruckus to the ladies? Of course. This is the internet so I can say anything or dream up anything I want. That whole statement is a fact though, i brings the ruckus. That is probably all that you need to know about me for now.
I know that everyone was in agony over my lack of posts this weekend. Where was I? There better be some good explanation. I don't really feel like I need to answer to you but I was camping far away from any computer or computer-like device. I have decided to give you a little treat and present you with 2 youtube clips today. Here is the first of my camping trip. Watch it now. http://youtube.com/watch?v=A4Wej_UfXEc. Ok, that wasn't really me but it was camping and that was just a goofy looking kid. Camping is a lot of work though, especially when you are with a slacker who doesn't do anything. Now for the debbie downer part. Starting this morning when I was packing up I'm not going to say everything was going wrong but things just became irritating. Just little things like stepping in a puddle when wearing socks, keys getting stuck in the ignition, wallet getting all wet and much more. Just things that make you want to maybe yell and punch a wall? http://youtube.com/watch?v=uwTJ08lb73Q&feature=related. The office is a great show and the nard dog is great. That can't help but make you feel better. Ok im going to cut this off for today. Stay classy
-Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galatica, Bigboy
The second question has a much longer answer. I think it's best to start with Bigboy's love live (third person?). Are you a ladies man Bigboy? Do I bring a ruckus to the ladies? Of course. This is the internet so I can say anything or dream up anything I want. That whole statement is a fact though, i brings the ruckus. That is probably all that you need to know about me for now.
I know that everyone was in agony over my lack of posts this weekend. Where was I? There better be some good explanation. I don't really feel like I need to answer to you but I was camping far away from any computer or computer-like device. I have decided to give you a little treat and present you with 2 youtube clips today. Here is the first of my camping trip. Watch it now. http://youtube.com/watch?v=A4Wej_UfXEc. Ok, that wasn't really me but it was camping and that was just a goofy looking kid. Camping is a lot of work though, especially when you are with a slacker who doesn't do anything. Now for the debbie downer part. Starting this morning when I was packing up I'm not going to say everything was going wrong but things just became irritating. Just little things like stepping in a puddle when wearing socks, keys getting stuck in the ignition, wallet getting all wet and much more. Just things that make you want to maybe yell and punch a wall? http://youtube.com/watch?v=uwTJ08lb73Q&feature=related. The office is a great show and the nard dog is great. That can't help but make you feel better. Ok im going to cut this off for today. Stay classy
-Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galatica, Bigboy
Friday, March 14, 2008
First Post
Why hello Internet. It's me, Bigboy. If you choose to stop reading now you are probably making a very sound decision. I guess i will start by apologizing for my poor spelling and grammar to follow. I'm not apologizing to you Brooke, just the rest of the world in case anyone accidentally stumbles across this.
You may be asking yourself, Hey Bigboy, why are you called big boy? Are you big? Are you a boy? All very good questions. I don't remember what exactly the commercial that I got the Bigboy phrase from was selling but boy it was funny. It involved cell phones some how. Youtube it or something. Am I big? Yes. Am i a boy? No. I am a man and don't you forget it. A mans man at that. I hang sheet metal in garages and everything. Now that all of that is cleared up it is time for me to jump right into what this blog is really about.
Nothing. I'll throw in some random factoids sometimes. Share some stories. Hopefully blow yo mind. Comments are encouraged and I will answer all useless questions with deep, off topic answers. The first fact was submitted by my first subscriber. Quesadilla's can be made with an Iron. Who would of thunk it? You must be in college Totogirl<3'sHansonandBigboy12000. Thank you for that. Touched my heart. I think I should also include the Youtube clip of my day. Disclaimer-some videos may be deemed inappropriate by people with morals. This posts clip is http://youtube.com/watch?v=L_kADup_wZw&feature=related. I'm cheap and you gotta copy and paste it. Watch now. Ok. Hopefully my blog will not turn into this. You have to admit though that underage girl is a babe though. NOOOOO. Do not admit that. Lesson learned and you are welcome.
Ok that is a good fresh start. I guess I should come up with something clever to send you off with. For now
Ok I will go till u tell me to stop.
If I didn't stop how far would you go?
All the way...
You may be asking yourself, Hey Bigboy, why are you called big boy? Are you big? Are you a boy? All very good questions. I don't remember what exactly the commercial that I got the Bigboy phrase from was selling but boy it was funny. It involved cell phones some how. Youtube it or something. Am I big? Yes. Am i a boy? No. I am a man and don't you forget it. A mans man at that. I hang sheet metal in garages and everything. Now that all of that is cleared up it is time for me to jump right into what this blog is really about.
Nothing. I'll throw in some random factoids sometimes. Share some stories. Hopefully blow yo mind. Comments are encouraged and I will answer all useless questions with deep, off topic answers. The first fact was submitted by my first subscriber. Quesadilla's can be made with an Iron. Who would of thunk it? You must be in college Totogirl<3'sHansonandBigboy12000. Thank you for that. Touched my heart. I think I should also include the Youtube clip of my day. Disclaimer-some videos may be deemed inappropriate by people with morals. This posts clip is http://youtube.com/watch?v=L_kADup_wZw&feature=related. I'm cheap and you gotta copy and paste it. Watch now. Ok. Hopefully my blog will not turn into this. You have to admit though that underage girl is a babe though. NOOOOO. Do not admit that. Lesson learned and you are welcome.
Ok that is a good fresh start. I guess I should come up with something clever to send you off with. For now
Ok I will go till u tell me to stop.
If I didn't stop how far would you go?
All the way...
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