Don't read them. Why? Because you should make your own destiny. And I heard if you read them then you are a whore. Jus sayin.
And now I know what all of you must be asking yourselves. Wow Bigboy that was some deep stuff, are you my hero? No I am not your hero. He is. Watch now before continuing reading.
We are all luck enough to have him as our hero. He is certainly mine.
So I have a speech to write so I don't really have much time to drop more knowledge on you. I would like to say if you need to cite me in a research paper my actual first/last and only name is actually Bigboy just so you know. Keep living the dream world and be happy to be alive.
A figment of your imagination
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
There are lots of fun things that involve some form of tubes. I am a pretty experienced tuber if i wouldn't say so myself. Go-gurts come in tubes and i love them eats. I even sometimes acknowledge the tv as the tube. Why do I bring any of this up? Because the subject of tonights post is youtube. A few of my favorite youtube videos to be exact. I am here to know share them to you.
Most recent video
Good laugh
35 seconds in, amazing
So weird but good
Might not be funny the first time, but I still laugh at this
Why all women are evil
Dirty but funny
Finish off with one for our more sensitive viewers
It was good seeing hansontotogirl but it is always better seeing me
Most recent video
Good laugh
35 seconds in, amazing
So weird but good
Might not be funny the first time, but I still laugh at this
Why all women are evil
Dirty but funny
Finish off with one for our more sensitive viewers
It was good seeing hansontotogirl but it is always better seeing me
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Favorite Movies
To continue on the trend of things that are Bigboys favorite (that is me in 3rd person i believe) , we will continue with my favorite motion pictures. again its late so not that much typing lets just get to the clips!
This list is in no particular order by the way.
Monty Pythons Holy Grail
Sunshine-movie was ok but really cool visuals
The Sandlot
Killer Klowns Form Outer Space
Falling Down
There are a lot more but that is a good start. Maybe this can be continued in the future.
Your star
This list is in no particular order by the way.
Monty Pythons Holy Grail
Sunshine-movie was ok but really cool visuals
The Sandlot
Killer Klowns Form Outer Space
Falling Down
There are a lot more but that is a good start. Maybe this can be continued in the future.
Your star
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Favorite Pictures
It has been asked by a viewer that I do a post in pretty much all pictures because she doesn't really like to read. I always aim to please so here we go, a post of my favorite pictures. I'll start by adding my favorite classical piece, the school of athens by raphael

I was lucky enough to find a picture of the artist as well. Here it is:
Pretty classy right. I think i'll just add some random pictures that i find funny now. Enjoy.

Lastly I'll finish off with something that I am sure we all can appreciate
Looking forward to our future
I was lucky enough to find a picture of the artist as well. Here it is:

Lastly I'll finish off with something that I am sure we all can appreciate
Looking forward to our future
Saturday, March 22, 2008
bodily functions
Welcome back. Sorry for 2 nights ago but I was cramming nasty. For a test! Get your minds out of the gutter. Gross, grow up. Anyways last night I got a migraine. Yes the migraine fairy visited me and she is not a nice woman/man. It went a little something like this. The girl is worth the headache i guess but whatever.
Bottom line is my head hurts. Please feel bad. If you are a girl pretend i'm katchup or something. Do what you must. It is a short post because of this tonight. I am sorry. You should be sorry to, im sure you have done something wrong.
Keep the noise down
Bottom line is my head hurts. Please feel bad. If you are a girl pretend i'm katchup or something. Do what you must. It is a short post because of this tonight. I am sorry. You should be sorry to, im sure you have done something wrong.
Keep the noise down
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Technology. Discuss. Blessing? Curse? Would you be reading this without it? Are you reading my mind right now? Are we in the Matrix? Did the curse come with Keanu Reeves? All very good questions that I think no one really has the answers to. Things sorta become clearer when you are pushing a couple ton suv down multiple levels of a parking garage to be towed away and eventually drop a lot of money on fixing.
How would you feel waking up in the morning next to that. Exactly. Shame. At the same time technology is good. Instead of beating people up in real life I can just play a video game instead. How could I go ski diving someday without the plane or maybe even parachute? There is no other way. How else would I be able to hear 50 cent rap about technology? I am certainly to scared to see him in person but I can listen to his songs in locked, well lit rooms instead. It's perfect! We have all heard of muffins, but have you eaten mini muffins? Delicious! Do you know how they become mini? I sure do... technology.
You take the good with the bad. When the good outweighs the bad you create something to eliminate the bad. Eliminate! That is what my grandmother has always taught me and im passing it on to you. Sleep well and comfortable on you spring, not hay mattresses.
The best thing since sliced bread
How would you feel waking up in the morning next to that. Exactly. Shame. At the same time technology is good. Instead of beating people up in real life I can just play a video game instead. How could I go ski diving someday without the plane or maybe even parachute? There is no other way. How else would I be able to hear 50 cent rap about technology? I am certainly to scared to see him in person but I can listen to his songs in locked, well lit rooms instead. It's perfect! We have all heard of muffins, but have you eaten mini muffins? Delicious! Do you know how they become mini? I sure do... technology.
You take the good with the bad. When the good outweighs the bad you create something to eliminate the bad. Eliminate! That is what my grandmother has always taught me and im passing it on to you. Sleep well and comfortable on you spring, not hay mattresses.
The best thing since sliced bread
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
It has been requested by my one viewer that I post daily. Well I am now writing my third post and out of things to say. It's late, I am tired, and definitely not creative at the moment. I guess I will just share the events of my day although I know you neither care nor want to know. To bad I suppose. It all started with a little of this :
Ok that didn't really happen but those guys are pretty sweet. Just moshing through life. I woke up at 8:30 which is pretty dang early for me. I had a speech class in which I had to evaluate a girls speech informing me on the backgrounds of serial killers. If that doesn't wake you up, I don't know what will. I then napped until 2, went to two more classes, won a softball game, slacked off and hung out and played basketball. There isn't that much to it. You know what that means right? Time for a little blog filler.
Guns. You can shoot things at people with them but you can also it people with them. Why do i bring this up? I do because there is a very good chance that my viewer will do both of these things to herself very soon. I have never touched a gun nor had a creepy dream which I use them for destruction? Does this make me less of a man? That's a good question. How about I go out in the field, find some iron, make a fire and construct my own gun. I should at least get a man card and a get out of man jail free card as well.
That will wrap it up. I am just too tired to go on. I think I am lacking motivation because of my lack of comments by my viewer. Good Night internet, I love you too.
You better checkity check yourself before you wreck yourself
Ok that didn't really happen but those guys are pretty sweet. Just moshing through life. I woke up at 8:30 which is pretty dang early for me. I had a speech class in which I had to evaluate a girls speech informing me on the backgrounds of serial killers. If that doesn't wake you up, I don't know what will. I then napped until 2, went to two more classes, won a softball game, slacked off and hung out and played basketball. There isn't that much to it. You know what that means right? Time for a little blog filler.
Guns. You can shoot things at people with them but you can also it people with them. Why do i bring this up? I do because there is a very good chance that my viewer will do both of these things to herself very soon. I have never touched a gun nor had a creepy dream which I use them for destruction? Does this make me less of a man? That's a good question. How about I go out in the field, find some iron, make a fire and construct my own gun. I should at least get a man card and a get out of man jail free card as well.
That will wrap it up. I am just too tired to go on. I think I am lacking motivation because of my lack of comments by my viewer. Good Night internet, I love you too.
You better checkity check yourself before you wreck yourself
Monday, March 17, 2008
Debbie Downer
Yes, I am back. Its been a few nights. Things have set in. I still have my one viewer so I suppose that means I have become an instant success. All that being extremely true, I know what you all are thinking, Bigboy, what is it like being you? And are you always going to write in run on sentences? To answer the latter first I will try not to but I am not making any promises. Maybe all my punctuation keys could fail.
The second question has a much longer answer. I think it's best to start with Bigboy's love live (third person?). Are you a ladies man Bigboy? Do I bring a ruckus to the ladies? Of course. This is the internet so I can say anything or dream up anything I want. That whole statement is a fact though, i brings the ruckus. That is probably all that you need to know about me for now.
I know that everyone was in agony over my lack of posts this weekend. Where was I? There better be some good explanation. I don't really feel like I need to answer to you but I was camping far away from any computer or computer-like device. I have decided to give you a little treat and present you with 2 youtube clips today. Here is the first of my camping trip. Watch it now. Ok, that wasn't really me but it was camping and that was just a goofy looking kid. Camping is a lot of work though, especially when you are with a slacker who doesn't do anything. Now for the debbie downer part. Starting this morning when I was packing up I'm not going to say everything was going wrong but things just became irritating. Just little things like stepping in a puddle when wearing socks, keys getting stuck in the ignition, wallet getting all wet and much more. Just things that make you want to maybe yell and punch a wall? The office is a great show and the nard dog is great. That can't help but make you feel better. Ok im going to cut this off for today. Stay classy
-Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galatica, Bigboy
The second question has a much longer answer. I think it's best to start with Bigboy's love live (third person?). Are you a ladies man Bigboy? Do I bring a ruckus to the ladies? Of course. This is the internet so I can say anything or dream up anything I want. That whole statement is a fact though, i brings the ruckus. That is probably all that you need to know about me for now.
I know that everyone was in agony over my lack of posts this weekend. Where was I? There better be some good explanation. I don't really feel like I need to answer to you but I was camping far away from any computer or computer-like device. I have decided to give you a little treat and present you with 2 youtube clips today. Here is the first of my camping trip. Watch it now. Ok, that wasn't really me but it was camping and that was just a goofy looking kid. Camping is a lot of work though, especially when you are with a slacker who doesn't do anything. Now for the debbie downer part. Starting this morning when I was packing up I'm not going to say everything was going wrong but things just became irritating. Just little things like stepping in a puddle when wearing socks, keys getting stuck in the ignition, wallet getting all wet and much more. Just things that make you want to maybe yell and punch a wall? The office is a great show and the nard dog is great. That can't help but make you feel better. Ok im going to cut this off for today. Stay classy
-Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galatica, Bigboy
Friday, March 14, 2008
First Post
Why hello Internet. It's me, Bigboy. If you choose to stop reading now you are probably making a very sound decision. I guess i will start by apologizing for my poor spelling and grammar to follow. I'm not apologizing to you Brooke, just the rest of the world in case anyone accidentally stumbles across this.
You may be asking yourself, Hey Bigboy, why are you called big boy? Are you big? Are you a boy? All very good questions. I don't remember what exactly the commercial that I got the Bigboy phrase from was selling but boy it was funny. It involved cell phones some how. Youtube it or something. Am I big? Yes. Am i a boy? No. I am a man and don't you forget it. A mans man at that. I hang sheet metal in garages and everything. Now that all of that is cleared up it is time for me to jump right into what this blog is really about.
Nothing. I'll throw in some random factoids sometimes. Share some stories. Hopefully blow yo mind. Comments are encouraged and I will answer all useless questions with deep, off topic answers. The first fact was submitted by my first subscriber. Quesadilla's can be made with an Iron. Who would of thunk it? You must be in college Totogirl<3'sHansonandBigboy12000. Thank you for that. Touched my heart. I think I should also include the Youtube clip of my day. Disclaimer-some videos may be deemed inappropriate by people with morals. This posts clip is I'm cheap and you gotta copy and paste it. Watch now. Ok. Hopefully my blog will not turn into this. You have to admit though that underage girl is a babe though. NOOOOO. Do not admit that. Lesson learned and you are welcome.
Ok that is a good fresh start. I guess I should come up with something clever to send you off with. For now
Ok I will go till u tell me to stop.
If I didn't stop how far would you go?
All the way...
You may be asking yourself, Hey Bigboy, why are you called big boy? Are you big? Are you a boy? All very good questions. I don't remember what exactly the commercial that I got the Bigboy phrase from was selling but boy it was funny. It involved cell phones some how. Youtube it or something. Am I big? Yes. Am i a boy? No. I am a man and don't you forget it. A mans man at that. I hang sheet metal in garages and everything. Now that all of that is cleared up it is time for me to jump right into what this blog is really about.
Nothing. I'll throw in some random factoids sometimes. Share some stories. Hopefully blow yo mind. Comments are encouraged and I will answer all useless questions with deep, off topic answers. The first fact was submitted by my first subscriber. Quesadilla's can be made with an Iron. Who would of thunk it? You must be in college Totogirl<3'sHansonandBigboy12000. Thank you for that. Touched my heart. I think I should also include the Youtube clip of my day. Disclaimer-some videos may be deemed inappropriate by people with morals. This posts clip is I'm cheap and you gotta copy and paste it. Watch now. Ok. Hopefully my blog will not turn into this. You have to admit though that underage girl is a babe though. NOOOOO. Do not admit that. Lesson learned and you are welcome.
Ok that is a good fresh start. I guess I should come up with something clever to send you off with. For now
Ok I will go till u tell me to stop.
If I didn't stop how far would you go?
All the way...
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