I am sorry. I didn't mean to use the caps lock there but once I got started, there was just no turning back.
First off, who likes puberty to begin with. Who gets excited to find hair growing in new places. Why do I watch movies on hulu called "How to Stuff a Wild Bikini". Because it sounds like something that pertains to my interest. How am I to know that Hulu was deceiving me. It was a 60's chick flick/surf movie. I will never get that time back.
Lets take a step back here. Look at yourself in a mirror and imagine you look like Michael Cera. Girls imagine a more femine Cera. Now just think how much better the world would be. You aren't stuck playing the same awkward character in every movie trying to impress another girl. No guy wants to be with the girl version of Michael Cera. I don't even want to think what that would look like.
After realizing that I have only focused on the perverted/relationship aspects of puberty, I decided the subject to get hit with some knowledge. What a terrible mistake. I don't know what a tween girl is but I feel lucky to have never been one.

Whining : Boys generally whine less than girls
Potty Training : Boys just piss everywhere
Testosterone : Boys: Running, Screaming, Breaking Things.
I stopped reading right there. What a dream come true it would be to live like this. I wouldn't mind a little more whining, but hey, what can you do. I just whined about whining.
So at first, I thought the world would just be better off to jump from childhood to adulthood. After some consideration, maybe childhood would just be better off for all of us. YOU DECIDE AMERICA. Whoops sorry again.
I am a mature guy ladies I swear, disregard this post.