Director : Scott Stewart
Starring: Paul Bettany, Lucas Black, Tyrese Gibson, Adrienne Palicki
I received four free movie tickets as a Christmas present and I have now wasted half of them on Daybreakers and now Legion. I was really looking forward to both which makes it even more of a bummer. A world of vampires and angel on angel crime. Each rated R hopefully meaning there would be some extra scenes of awesomeness. I guess not.
The plot of the movie more or less is God loses his fate in humanity and orders "an extermination". The weapon of choice this time are the angels. One angel, Michael, still has much love for the humans and decides to come to earth and fight for the humans. Gnarliest scene is Michael stitching up the two holes in his back where he removed his wings. I forgot to mention Michael is played by Paul Bettany. He is a solid actor and one of the only things I liked about Legion. Pretty weird for his last two roles to be this and Charles Darwin in Creation. I just saw he plays the main character in the movie Priest soon. The synopsis of that movie is a priest disobeys church law to track down the vampires who kidnapped his niece. That probably sounds like it will be pretty terrible but I will definitely see it.
There isn't much to say about the rest of the movie. Dennis Quaid, his son, a knocked up chick, a family with a pretty hot daughter, the cook, Micheal and a black guy who is on the way to his child's custody case (really?) set up the fort in a random desert diner. Another gem in the plot, the main character ends up being the knocked up girl Charlie(that's a dudes name). Apparently her child is the only thing that can save the human race. I know you are asking yourself why this baby? So am I still because they never say. Just one of the many plot-holes. At the diner they fight a few waves of the angels until I think the director said something along the lines of "I think everyone might be tired of seeing this. Lets just slap on a quick ending and call it a wrap."
Lets take a look at some of the things this movie did well. As previously stated, Paul Bettany did a good job in his role but when most of your scenes are just running around and shooting, you don't have to be a good actor. I wasn't sure how he would do as a tough guy and he did a pretty solid job. My biggest surprise was the acting of Kevin Durand. I've seen him in probably three movies before and his role is always the big dumb henchman. In Legion he plays the angel Gabriel, the general in God's army. Of course he is big and sleeveless again but he laid some serious lines down. I think he might've even cried a little. He only appears in the joke of an ending but still, I was impressed. Maybe he should wear wings in more movies.
The rest of the movie sucked. Having an old lady and a toddler drop a few f bombs seemed more forced and retarded then the shocking feeling they were probably going for. The cast blew pretty hard. I don't know what is wrong with Dennis Quaid but he has been pretty weak in his last two movies. Maybe he never was any good and I just never noticed. The main character is the pregnant girl Charlie. I had seen the actress before in the show Friday Night Lights so hopefully she will have something to fall back on. She just didn't have that much emotion except for in scenes that require her to be pouty, but she probably is in this mood a lot because she looks she might be a b*&$# in real life. Sorry I edited that for the children. I kept staring at the mole between her eyes too. Not that it's hideous or anything, she still looks might good sans baby in her tummy, I just couldn't get past it. That's pretty shallow I guess. Her boyfriend (guy who is taking care of her while pregnant but has no feelings for) is a guy named Jeep. I have seen him before in the Friday Night Lights movie (he wasn't that bad but playing a hick high school football player shouldn't be hard, just say yes sir to all adults) and Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift (no explanation needed). About 50% of his time on screen he spends either depressed or confused, just like the audience ZING. Tyrese plays the black dude. Just give him a gun to shoot and let him yell damn and what no. Stuff like that, no real lines please. The cook did a pretty good job being the moral one of the bunch. Whoever the red head is did a pretty crappy job as well.
Still as a whole, this movie was a suckfest. How can some many people work on something for so long and it still winds up this unorganized. The time frame was supposed to be two or three days if i remember but it seemed like it all happened in about 12 hours max. The possessed humans of angels looked pretty cool with their stretchy jaws and appendages. I didn't care for the swarm of angels flying around though. They looked like your basic cgi birds. The diner that they are hanging out in is called Paradise Falls. I'm sure this probably had something to do with Milton's Paradise Lost.
Rating : 2 stars. I was going to give this more but nah. Two guys who weren't in the movie all that much can't save it. Legion is just another prototypical action movie. Just instead of the usual zombies situation there are angels. Speaking of angels, they don't do a lot of very angelic things. Killing someone on an upside cross just seems to me like it would be the last thing God would order to do. I don't know, jus sayin. Also someone changes God's mind? Common.
Best Scene: The the aforementioned stitching of the back was pretty sweet but to me the talk between Michael and Jeep in the office takes the cake. Jeep questions why Michael is helping humanity. I don't know if it's Bettany's accent but the way he says it rules. There really aren't any quotes up online yet, but I'll add it once I find it.
Quotes: The only one really online and not anything special.
Michael "I knew He'd send you, Gabriel. You were always so eager to please Him."
Gabriel "Unlike you... the rebellious son."
Stills :

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