Director: Rupert Wainwright
Starring: Patricia Arquette, Gabriel Byrne, Jonathan Pryce
First off, let me explain what stigmata is. Stigmata are bodily marks, sores, or sensations of pain in locations corresponding to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus. The term originates from the line at the end of Saint Paul's Letter to the Galatians where he says, "I bear on my body the marks of Jesus," stigmata is the plural of the Greek word stigma meaning a mark or brand such as might have been used for identification of an animal or slave. Thank you wikipedia.
The movie begins in Brazil where father Andrew Kiernan(Byrne) is investigating miracles in a church for the vatican. Some priest has just died and there is a statue bleeding out the eyes. Someone takes the dead guys rosary and sends it to Frankie (Arquette) back in the states. Bam now she goin get possessed. The shame of this movie is that there are some pretty gnarly/intense scenes that are covered up by a dumb plot and Frankie's acting. This movie might be supernatural because it sure does cause sensations of pain. I don't know who this chick Patricia Arquette is but she sucks. The only time she did a good job acting was when screaming in pain.
Of course they couldn't make this just a sweet possession movie. No they had to get Hollywood. The priest and the Frankie, while still possessed, start making out. Really? She just yelled at you with a really deep demon voice. I know you have to deal with the whole celibacy but really, raise your standards a little. Then the guy who is possessing the chick knows a fifth gospel or something saying church isn't wood and stone it's in everyone and those are Jesus' words. Kiernan tells his boss this who then freaks out and tries to kill the girl because he doesn't want people to not come to church. There is a whole power struggle and it's just bad bad bad.
Rating: 1.5 stars. My first halfer goes to this disaster. The only thing saving it are the possession scenes. Don't watch this. Please. Think the Exorcism of Emily Rose with more blood but it just sucks.
Best Scene: When Frankie wiggs out and starts speaking with the dude voice. Eyes rolled back
Quotes: Frankie "Hey, you know what's scarier than not believing in God? Believing in him. I mean, really believing in him. It's a fucking terrifying thought. "
lot of gems just like this. ouch.

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