Director : Frank Miller
Starring : Gabriel Macht, Samuel L Jackson, Scarlett Johannson, Eva Mendes
Lets just start with looking at the facts of this movie. If you are a chick, there probably aren't many things that you will like about The Spirit. It's a dude movie in almost every way. It's based off a comic book, the director is the same guy who did Sin City and wrote 300 (both dude movies), Samuel L Jackson is a crazy Nazi that can't be killed and the movie is full of babes. The movie is made pretty much like a comic book so it is full of over acting. It's not a good movie but I did enjoy it if that makes sense.
The main character is a guy named the Spirit. He starts the movie with a big monologue about how the city loves him and he loves it back. Makes no sense at all but sounds really cool. We learn he is kind of a cop and is looking for a bad guy named the Octopus. The Octopus turns out to be Samuel L and for some odd reason, the two of them can't kill each other. They beat each other up but in the end their stab and bullet wounds always heal. The Octopus is after the blood of Hercules, which once swallowed, will make him completely invincible. See, this is a dude movie. Other then the power to survive pretty much anything, the Spirit also has the power to make every woman who sees him completely fall in love. This will come in handy because his city is stockpiled with good looking ones. First there is Sarah Paulson, she might not be as amazing as the others but she has a hot nurse thing kind of going on. Then there is Jamie King. You don't see her that much because she plays DEATH. Both metal and hot. Next I would say is Eva Mendes. I don't know why but I have never really had a thing for her. She is kind of a crook which makes her a little hot. That is a terrible way for a guy to think but whatever. I saved the best two for last. Paz Vega plays a sword wielding belly dancer. Only a super nerd could have thought of that and I salute him. Then there is Scarlett Johannson. She plays a sexy Nazi. That doesn't exactly make her hot but everything else does, especially the glasses.
Rating : 2.5 stars. Movie sucked in almost every movie quality except visually. It's not made to be a classic movie though. Take it for what it is, a comic book movie full of attractive women, cheesey lines, and Samuel L screaming. I would and probably will watch it again sometime. Dudes who liked Sin City, give it a watch. Women find something else to watch except for Blindness.
Best Scene : Samuel L and the Spirits opening fight. Has the Miller look that we have come to love.
Quotes : "My city, I can not deny her. My city screams. She is my mother. She is my lover, and I am her Spirit."
"You're in love with every women you meet, Mr. Spirit. You say lovely things to all of us and you mean every word you say."
"I've known some pretty strange women in my time but this one, she's got the final word on strange."
"Shut up and bleed!"
"I don't like egg on my face."

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