Sunday, September 21, 2008

Public Bathrooms

I know right. What is the deal? First off lets start off with the actual words themselves. First off public. There are a lot of things that I don't mind doing in public. Eating watermelon is a great example of this. Getting rid of my waste is not one of those things. Why not um, private bathrooms? Just think about it. Who was the creep that wanted a bunch of guys to pee in a strategically shaped bowl, just one foot away from each other`(5:22 in)? Was it Nate Moreno? This is very possible.
Next is bathroom. Now i know we have all heard the 5th grader at the grocery store make a big deal about not taking baths in the public bathroom let alone resting in the public restroom. But seriously though, if I am not bathing why dont we give it another name. I havent put a whole lot of thought into this but the thing that came to the top of my mind was the pee factory. It evern rhymes. Im jus sayin. And I dont think anyone would want to rest in the pee factory, or at least not anyone I want to know.
I haven't even touched on the worst thing about public bathrooms. That is ecentially it. Touching. Only employees have to wash their hands? Are you serious? When I am president it's a law that everyone must wash their hands. I am not even talking about a man law here. Bonafide legislature. Put it in the books. Have someone handwrite it on the constitution. Also what is the deal with dads bringing in their little 4 year old daughters to the bathroom. Now i have to be extra careful to make sure that no one sees bigboy jr. Why? Because not only is no one seeing bigboy jr good for my own personal hygiene and just overall sanity but also I have to worry about the well being of this girl. Lets say if some 4 year old honey sees a bunch dongs in the bath. She is now psychologically messed up. I know this i took psychology. Now because he mind is so young and fragile she doesn't know right from wrong. Up from down. Black from white? At the ripe young age 0f 16 she is now a streetwalker just going from 20$ bill to 20 dolla bill. That will not be allowed. No streetwalkers in my neighborhood. I say no to that. Why not potty train the girl. Or find some nice looking woman to make sure you kid doesnt flush herself down the toilet (which is not a toy, i dont know how it got that name either). Ok world. Do something right.

Investing in private pee factories since 08

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