Tuesday, March 18, 2008


It has been requested by my one viewer that I post daily. Well I am now writing my third post and out of things to say. It's late, I am tired, and definitely not creative at the moment. I guess I will just share the events of my day although I know you neither care nor want to know. To bad I suppose. It all started with a little of this :http://pop.youtube.com/watch?v=dqYP38bzLWk&feature=related.
Ok that didn't really happen but those guys are pretty sweet. Just moshing through life. I woke up at 8:30 which is pretty dang early for me. I had a speech class in which I had to evaluate a girls speech informing me on the backgrounds of serial killers. If that doesn't wake you up, I don't know what will. I then napped until 2, went to two more classes, won a softball game, slacked off and hung out and played basketball. There isn't that much to it. You know what that means right? Time for a little blog filler.
Guns. You can shoot things at people with them but you can also it people with them. Why do i bring this up? I do because there is a very good chance that my viewer will do both of these things to herself very soon. I have never touched a gun nor had a creepy dream which I use them for destruction? Does this make me less of a man? That's a good question. How about I go out in the field, find some iron, make a fire and construct my own gun. I should at least get a man card and a get out of man jail free card as well.
That will wrap it up. I am just too tired to go on. I think I am lacking motivation because of my lack of comments by my viewer. Good Night internet, I love you too.

You better checkity check yourself before you wreck yourself

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